In the region

Dzsimburi Playhouse
Lajosmizse Geréby Kúria Distance 5km
The Djimburi Children's Center is a 100 square meter big two-storey indoor playhouse. Families with small children can enjoy a great time here. At the corner of a quiet street, next to a very beautiful park, a colorful building invites children to play..
Opening hours and further information::
Address: 6050 Lajosmizse,Radnóti Miklos és YBL Miklos utca sarka
Tel: 06/30-400-9-401
Email:, Web:

Kiss pastry shop
Lajosmizse Geréby Kúria Distance 5km
The family-run confectionery is a pride of the town Lajosmizse and we recommend it to our guests who want to eat a delicious cake or an ice cream.
Opening hours and further information:
Address:Lajosmizse, Árpád u. 24, 6050
Telefon:(76) 457 000

Lajosmizse Farm Museum
Lajosmizse Geréby Kúria Distance 5km
Anyone who wants to get to know our area and have time, must definitely see the farm museum.
The museum is not located directly in Lajosmizse, but in the direction of Kecskemét, at the lower part of the border, near the Tanyacsárda. Simple relaxation and an interesting experience.
Opening hours and further information:
Address: Lajosmizse, Alsóbene 623., 6050
Telefon:(30) 236 4013

Magán Zoo and recreational park
Felsőlajos - Distance from Geréby Mansion 10 km
The total area of the park is 20 hectares. There is more than 1 km of footpath to the guests, which run around the animals, the playground and the snack bar. A patient visitor can also encounter unreliable birds or even squirrels in the area next to zoo animals.
Opening hours and further information:
Cím: 6055 Felsőlajos, Benei-dűlő

Kecskemét City
Kecskemét (25 km)
Kecskemét – the capital of Bács-Kiskun County – fusing all the beauty and values of the Great Plain is situated in the middle of Hungary, approximately 85 kms from Budapest. Our city – using its favourable geographical location – developed into the economic, administrative, educational, and cultural centre of the region; it gives home for several institutions of fine arts, unique collections, and dignified festivals. The name of the city originates from the word „kecske” (meaning „goat”) and „mét” means district. The goat can be seen in our coat of arms as well above the platform with the motto of our city beneath it: „Neither height, nor depth frightens us.”
Discover the sights of Kecskemét, get acquinted with their history, past and present.

Bozsó Collection
Kecskemét (25 km)
The founder of the Collection, János Bozsó, artist was born in Kecskemét on 27th December, 1922. His childhood was formed by poverty that effected all his life. As an everlasting send off from the difficult years he took with him the love and respect of the nature and folk art. In the second half of the 1940s hidden in the outskirt of Kecskemét he started to deal with painting as a self educated artist. By the middle of the 50s he developed his artistic language; in his art he considered the emotional replenishment as one of the most decisive features. He never wanted to give up being picturesque. He was at home in and he was characterized by imbued colours, the use of wide, quick freely flying strokes of the brush, the contrast of the light and the shadow. He became an outstanding personality of Hungarian expressive painting.
Address: Kecskemét, Klapka u. 34, 6000
Telefon:(76) 324 625

Szórakaténusz Toy Museum
Kecskemét (25 km)
Cím: Kecskemét, Gáspár András utca 11, 6000
Telefon:(76) 481 469

Zoo Kecskemét
Kecskemét (25 km)
Cím: Kecskemét, Műkerti stny. 1, 6000
Telefon:(76) 320 121
Kecskemét (25 km)
Cím: Kecskemét, Lánchíd utca 18/a, 6000
Telefon:(76) 505 075

Leskowsky Musical Instrument Collection
Kecskemét (25 km)
Cím: 6000 Kecskemét, Rákóczi út 15.
Telefon: +3676486616

Hungarian Garden (40 km)
Jakabszállás (40km)
Telefon: +36 30 309 3471
+36 70 615 8590

Kerekerdő Adventure Park ( 20 km)
Cím: 6041, Kerekegyháza, Arany János u. 35.
( Szabadszállás felé kivezető úton,vásártér mellett fekvő tölgyes erdőben, Kecskeméttől 15 km-re. )
Tel.: 06-30/233-02-53